I am thrilled to announce that
is my Eleventh Birthday!
Many Boxer Dogs live much longer of course, but the average age is 10.
So for every year over that, I am grateful.
I have already outlived my beloved predecessor,
WishBone, Duke of the House of Hagg.
He was 1 month shy of 11 when he passed.
I have no doubt that he will greet me again someday,
but for now, it is time to celebrate!
I have had an excellent life! I came up from humble beginnings and was made into a Duchess! What girl doesn't dream of that! I have lived a courtly life for years and years now and have a staff that cares for my every need. Not that I haven't given back to the community of course. The mythical Land of Hagg has many needs and I have dutifully gone about the business of doing what I can to help my people. I have visited the sick and infirm in the many homes where they stay. I have helped young children learn to read. I have been a good will ambassador at schools and generally done my best to make all the common people feel welcome and at home in my presence. For my endeavors I am happy to say that I have been given the titles and awards of Canine Good Citizen and Therapy Dog.
Now, mind you. I've had me own wee failures. Or, rather, works in progress. Those two Chamberlains that I hired some 4 years ago still have not raised a paw to help out a